Working Here

Employers on Florida’s Space Coast

Employment resources on Florida’s Space Coast

Licensure Reciprocity Roadmap


Finding your career on Florida’s Space Coast

Florida’s Space Coast is a gateway to possibilities providing the culture for rewarding careers, with the opportunity to make a difference.  From small high-tech manufacturing to aerospace goliaths, you’ll find your giant leap here.

Licensure Reciprocity Roadmap

Learn how to transfer your license to Florida’s Space Coast with ease with our Licensure Reciprocity Roadmap. 

Resources may include (vary by license type):

  • Fee Waivers
  • Licensure Reciprocity
  • Expedited Licenses
  • Temporary Licenses
  • Credit for Prior Military Service
Licensure Reciprocity Roadmap


The region that put man on the moon is full of thinkers and innovators. This has created a culture for the entrepreneurs and small businesses to take one small step towards their giant leap with countless resources for the dreamers.